What can Saudi Arabia do? Saudi Arabia, Taliban Update news. Saudi Arabia's one-time ally, the Taliban, is in power in Kabul

Shakil Anwar..BBC

The question, however, is whether the Saudis will put more pressure on the Taliban, or make any attempt to re-establish ties with the Taliban.

Sami Hamdi does not think that Saudi Arabia has the power or the will to put pressure on the Taliban

In 2018, Saleh bin Abdul bin Hamid, advisor to the King of Saudi Arabia and Imam of the Grand Mosque, attended a conference of scholars on peace and security in Afghanistan.

"Mohammed bin Salman has been under pressure since Biden came to power. Democrats are angry over Khashoggi's assassination. The Saudis have since come under increasing pressure to release a number of classified documents about the 9/11 attacks, "he said.

"The Saudi prince will now look at what Biden is doing to the Taliban. The Saudis are not in a position to take an independent policy on Afghanistan until it is clear."

Mr Hamdi also said that Prince bin Salman would be more likely to try to hide Saudi Arabia from the effects of what happened there than to make his own position on the Taliban or Afghanistan.

The Taliban are providing separate education for boys and girls

At a time when he is trying to establish liberalism in his own country, the Saudi prince's fears about the war victory of a radical Islamist group like the Taliban in Afghanistan are well-founded.

Twenty or thirty years ago, from Afghanistan to Bosnia, Saudi Arabia was the talk of the town. They had enough power to create pressure, starting with mediation.

But that power, dignity of the Saudis is probably becoming history.

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